Submitted by Aung San U on Fri, 09/11/2020 - 06:33

The important Mundaings (Pillars of Principles) to consider for a government are for rule of just and fair laws (justice), equitable sharing of wealth, pragmatic educational programs, health and fitness programs, conservations of wildlife and ecological protection programs, conservation of natural resources, understanding of advance and modern civilizations (elimination of cultural disorders and deficiencies), understanding of pragmatic spirituality (minimize loonies, flunkies, LCD, and all of the above hybrids), anti-corruption methodologies (cyber based systems), monitoring the practices of the various branches of government (executive, legislative, judiciary, bureaucracy), freedom of expression and of the media, etc. It is important to explicitly know these Mundaings, as necessary fundamentals for establishing of Democratic Institutions; considerations for Federalism or alternatives; construction of Container Rail Systems to China and Vietnam from Indian Ocean side (neighboring countries issues), etc. These latter broad base "Upper Level Structures" (utilizing the support of hopefully very sound Pillars of Principles) related topics need to be understood very clearly in Myanmar context), after thorough interactive thinking about them. In many ways, the Think Tank organization should be considered as another branch of government needed within developing countries.